Campaign Strategist | Copywriter
Morningstar | HelloWallet
Future Me
Future Me
For our Future Me project, Morningstar financial challenged us to create a joint-marketing campaign with their HelloWallet division that would inspire users to take control of their financial wellness.

Tackling the problems of your “Future Me”. How do you inspire people to take control of their financial wellness and start planning for retirement? How do you advise them in a way that’s interesting and doesn’t make them feel overwhelmed?
These were the questions we asked when the financial services firm Morningstar challenged us to create a joint-marketing campaign with their HelloWallet division. Our goal was to develop an experience that propelled users to engage with Morningstar’s financial planning services, which were provided as a benefit to users by their employers.

We decided to change things up by developing questions that were human, witty, and easy to answer. We created an experience that doesn’t make people feel like they’re failing a test, nor does it rely on fear as a method to produce action.

At the same time, we did need things to get a little personal. We wanted to know more than what people "did" with their money — we wanted to know why they were doing what they did. This information would allow us to better understand a user’s relationship with money and recommend products geared toward his or her financial goals.

The information you typically enter into a financial calculator — your savings account balance, salary, and retirement contributions — are relatively one-dimensional data points; they don’t create a real-life picture of your financial health. Our relatable, conversational approach made it possible to collect richer, more nuanced user data, which then allowed us to make product recommendations that were more accurate and, therefore, more helpful to our users.

We developed a financial wellness campaign that gets users thinking about, and acting upon, their financial futures by asking questions that are quick, relevant, and even a bit fun.
Art Direction: Owen Shifflett
Front-End Development: Solomon Hawk
User Research: Heather Muety
Art Direction: Owen Shifflett
Front-End Development: Solomon Hawk
User Research: Heather Muety
Another project, perhaps?